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   quinta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2003


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eheheh… O JB mandou bem nessa imagem ai do lado, apesar de eu ser PT "quase" de carteirinha. Bem não podia deixar de colocar aqui a imagem mais hilária da posse, quando o oculos do FHC voou longe. :o)

MSX Assassination

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Copiado do

“The MSX Association website was updated today. Apart from the best wishes for the next year, the site contains some very interesting extra information on the trademark of the MSX and MSXPLAYer logo. Also the FAQ&Tips section was updated.

Websites related to MSX are allowed to use the MSX logo freely, with the following limitations:

* The website does not contain illegal software or other copyright infringements
* You can use the MSX and MSXPLAYer logo’s that are downloadable on the MSX Association Website. You are only allowed to change the size of these logo’s. (It’s not clear if this are the only MSX logo’s you’re allowed to use though)
* When using these logo’s you have to mention at least once on your website that ‘MSX’ is the trademark of MSX association
* You are asked (not obligated) to put a link to the MSX Association on your website ( and mail the MSX association if you put up a link.
* If you (want to) use an altered version of the MSX logo, you can mail to this address as well”

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